Writing Documentation
The documentation is made with Jekyll and the just-the-docs theme.
For information on how to use Jekyll and the just-the-docs theme please have a look to the docs of these projects.
First download the docs-branch:
$ git clone -b docs git@github.com:aha-oida/aha-secret.git
Change into the docs-subdirectory:
$ cd aha-secret/docs
Next run bundler:
$ bundle install
Before we can run jekyll locally, we need to modify the _config.yml
. First comment out the lines:
# baseurl: "/aha-secret"
# url: "https://aha-oida.github.io"
# remote_theme: just-the-docs/just-the-docs@v0.10.0
And add the following line instead of the remote_theme:
theme: just-the-docs
Now run Jekyll and connect to http://localhost:4000
$ bundle exec jekyll server
Please note that you have to undo the changes in _
before pushing to the repository.